


工作服;皮革腰带;泳装;贝雷帽;儿童服装;手套[服装];婚纱;裤子;帽子;头饰;内衣;外衣;披风;睡衣;雨衣;裙子;围巾;鞋类;围裙;舞服;上衣衬衫;];T;大衣 [服装] ; 滑水服 ; 袜子 [服装]




围裙 ; 上衣 [ 服装 ] ; 裤子 ; 裙子 ; 工作服 ; 内衣 ; 骑行服 睡衣 ; T 恤 ; 儿童泳衣 ; 泳衣 ; 雨衣 ; 毛衣 ; 鞋类 ; 帽子 ; 袜类 [服装] ; 手套 [ 围巾] ; 颈饰头巾;佩勒琳;腰带;婚纱;角色扮演游戏中使用的服装


宠物玩具; 玩具机器人; 婴儿玩具; 拼图; 玩偶; 渔具; 运动用肘垫; 运动护肘; 运动护膝; 运动护腕 ; 运动护腿; 运动球 ; 哑铃; 瑜伽带; 滑板; 台球杆; 电子游戏操纵杆; 冲浪板; 玩具滑板车; 水上玩具


宠物玩具; 玩具机器人; 婴儿玩具; 拼图; 玩偶; 渔具; 运动用肘垫; 运动护肘; 运动护膝; 运动护腕 ; 运动护腿; 运动球 ; 哑铃; 瑜伽带; 滑板; 台球杆; 电子游戏操纵杆; 冲浪板; 玩具滑板车; 水上玩具


宠物玩具; 玩具机器人; 婴儿玩具; 拼图; 玩偶; 渔具; 运动用肘垫; 运动护肘; 运动护膝; 运动护腕 ; 运动护腿; 运动球 ; 哑铃; 瑜伽带; 滑板; 台球杆; 电子游戏操纵杆; 冲浪板; 玩具滑板车; 水上玩具


宠物玩具; 玩具机器人; 婴儿玩具; 拼图; 玩偶; 渔具; 运动用肘垫; 运动护肘; 运动护膝; 运动护腕 ; 运动护腿; 运动球 ; 哑铃; 瑜伽带; 滑板; 台球杆; 电子游戏操纵杆; 冲浪板; 玩具滑板车; 水上玩具


毛衣;衬衫;衣服;裤子;外衣;针织品[服装];大衣;裙子;运动衫;连衣裙;大衣;皮革服装; T恤;打底裤[裤子];内衣;晨衣;紧身裤;组合[服装];马甲;沙滩服;睡衣;内裤;胸罩;泰迪熊[内衣];短裤;婴儿裤[内衣];躺椅 [衣服];滑水潜水服;骑自行车者的服装;浴帽;泳裤;游泳衣;体操服装;皮疹防护罩;足球鞋;体操鞋;鞋类;拖鞋;凉鞋;鞋;运动鞋;及踝靴;鞋类防滑装置;鞋类小贴士;靴面;内底;鞋类金属配件;鞋底;高跟鞋;鞋跟保护器;口角;帽子;贝雷帽;丝袜;针织品;袜子;吸汗袜;手套[衣服];滑雪手套;连指手套;用于触摸屏设备的保暖手套;骑行手套;披肩;领带;围巾;衣服的背带[吊带];腰带;浴帽;睡眠面膜;瑜伽裤、瑜伽T恤;瑜伽鞋。


Sweaters; shirts; clothing; trousers; outerclothing; knitwear [clothing];  coats; skirts; sports jerseys; dresses; overcoats; clothing of leather; tee-shirts; leggings [trousers]; underwear; dressing gowns; tights; combinations [clothing]; waistcoats; beach clothes; pyjamas; underpants; brassieres; teddies [underclothing]; knickers; babies' pants [underwear]; layettes [clothing]; wet suits for water-skiing; cyclists' clothing; bathing caps; bathing trunks; bathing suits; clothing for gymnastics; rash guards; football shoes; gymnastic shoes; footwear; slippers; sandals; shoes; sports shoes; ankle boots; non-slipping devices for footwear; tips for footwear; boot uppers; inner soles; fittings of metal for footwear; soles for footwear; heels; heel protectors for shoes; spats; hats; berets; stockings; hosiery; socks; sweat-absorbent socks; gloves [clothing]; ski gloves; mittens; warm gloves for touchscreen devices; cycling gloves; shawls; neckties; scarves; braces [suspenders] for clothing; girdles; shower caps; sleep masks;  yoga pants.Yoga tee-shirts; yoga shoes.


毛衣;衬衫;衣服;裤子;外衣;针织品[服装];大衣;裙子;运动衫;连衣裙;大衣;皮革服装; T恤;打底裤[裤子];内衣;晨衣;紧身裤;组合[服装];马甲;沙滩服;睡衣;内裤;胸罩;泰迪熊[内衣];短裤;婴儿裤[内衣];躺椅 [衣服];滑水潜水服;骑自行车者的服装;浴帽;泳裤;游泳衣;体操服装;皮疹防护罩;足球鞋;体操鞋;鞋类;拖鞋;凉鞋;鞋;运动鞋;及踝靴;鞋类防滑装置;鞋类小贴士;靴面;内底;鞋类金属配件;鞋底;高跟鞋;鞋跟保护器;口角;帽子;贝雷帽;丝袜;针织品;袜子;吸汗袜;手套[衣服];滑雪手套;连指手套;用于触摸屏设备的保暖手套;骑行手套;披肩;领带;围巾;衣服的背带[吊带];腰带;浴帽;睡眠面膜;瑜伽裤、瑜伽T恤;瑜伽鞋。


Sweaters; shirts; clothing; trousers; outerclothing; knitwear [clothing];  coats; skirts; sports jerseys; dresses; overcoats; clothing of leather; tee-shirts; leggings [trousers]; underwear; dressing gowns; tights; combinations [clothing]; waistcoats; beach clothes; pyjamas; underpants; brassieres; teddies [underclothing]; knickers; babies' pants [underwear]; layettes [clothing]; wet suits for water-skiing; cyclists' clothing; bathing caps; bathing trunks; bathing suits; clothing for gymnastics; rash guards; football shoes; gymnastic shoes; footwear; slippers; sandals; shoes; sports shoes; ankle boots; non-slipping devices for footwear; tips for footwear; boot uppers; inner soles; fittings of metal for footwear; soles for footwear; heels; heel protectors for shoes; spats; hats; berets; stockings; hosiery; socks; sweat-absorbent socks; gloves [clothing]; ski gloves; mittens; warm gloves for touchscreen devices; cycling gloves; shawls; neckties; scarves; braces [suspenders] for clothing; girdles; shower caps; sleep masks;  yoga pants.Yoga tee-shirts; yoga shoes.
